Month: February 2020


Genres: Contemporary Romance

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BREATHLESS by Lex Martin

Series: Texas Nights, #3

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: 18th February 2020


The boy next door has always made her breathless.

Joey… I wouldn’t say I ran away exactly—twenty-two is too old for that. I’d call it self-preservation.

I have one objective: protect my heart from the boy next door who has no clue I’ve loved him my whole life, even with a front row seat to his revolving bedroom door.

My escape plan almost worked. Except I left one thing behind.

Logan Carter hijacked my heart, and now it’s time to get it back. This time for good.

Logan…I wouldn’t say I’ve been lying this whole time—not about everything. Not about how much I miss my best friend, and definitely not about how pissed I am that she left with hardly a goodbye.

She’s the last person I ever expected to ghost me, and her absence left a gaping hole in my chest.

When Joey Grayson steps off that bus, I know I’ll do anything to keep her home, and that means finding out the truth. But I’m not sure how to tell her my truths when I’m living so many lies.

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About Lex Martin:

Lex writes adult novels, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. When she’s not writing, she lives a parallel life as an English teacher. She loves printing black and white photos, listening to music on vinyl, and getting lost in a great book. Bitten by wanderlust, she’s lived all over the country but currently resides in the City of Angels with her husband and twin daughters.


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Genres: Contemporary Romance

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THE RICH BOY by Kylie Scott

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: 9th March 2020


I’m the type of girl who’s given up on fairy tales. So when Beck – the hot new busboy at work – starts flirting with me, I know better than to get my hopes up. Happily ever afters aren’t for the average. I learned that the hard way.

But how can I be expected to resist a man who can quote Austen, loves making me laugh, and seems to be everything hot and good in this world?

Only there’s so much more to him than that.

Billionaire playboy? Check.

Troubled soul? Check.

The owner of my heart, the man I’ve moved halfway across the country to be with, who’s laying the world at my feet in order to convince me to never leave? Check. Check. Check.

But nobody does complicated like the one percent.

This is not your everyday rags-to-riches, knight-in-shining armor whisking the poor girl off her feet kind of story. No, this is much messier.



About Kylie:


Kylie is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She was voted Australian Romance Writer of the year, 2013, 2014 & 2018, by the Australian Romance Writer’s Association and her books have been translated into eleven different languages. She is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.


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Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance

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Series: A Gathering of Dragons, #1

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Release Date: 4th February 2020 


A generation past, the western realms were embroiled in endless war. Then the Destroyer came. From the blood and ashes he left behind, a tenuous alliance rose between the barbarian riders of Parsathe and the walled kingdoms of the south. That alliance is all that stands against the return of an ancient evil—until the barbarian king and queen are slain in an act of bloody betrayal.

Though forbidden by the alliance council to kill the corrupt king responsible for his parents’ murders, Maddek vows to avenge them, even if it costs him the Parsathean crown. But when he learns it was the king’s daughter who lured his parents to their deaths, the barbarian warrior is determined to make her pay.

Yet the woman Maddek captures is not what he expected. Though the last in a line of legendary warrior-queens, Yvenne is small and weak, and the sharpest weapons she wields are her mind and her tongue. Even more surprising is the marriage she proposes to unite them in their goals and to claim their thrones—because her desire for vengeance against her father burns even hotter than his own…


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If you would of told me one of my favourite reads this year would be a Barbarian Fantasy romance, I would have kindly told you to move along. But alas, here we are.

As a novice to fantasy A Heart of Blood and Ash came out of the blue but left a mark that has remained long after reading. The blurb alone was enough to pique my interest but it was the epic and wondrous story that kept me hooked.

It’s a tale of vengeance and bloodshed driven by Maddek’s need for retribution for the unlawful and treacherous murder of his parents. His plan to exact his revenge is to capture Yvenne who is the daughter of his enemy. Yvenne is not what he expected in the least, she looks sickly and but her spirit is strong. What she lacks in strength she more than makes up for in resilience and fortitude. Their alliance is the turning point of the story and really spoke to me as a lover of romance.

Milla Vane’s novel made for compelling reading and really welcomed me into a genre I have previously shied away from. I’m awaiting the next novel with baited breath and can’t wait to once again back in the gathering of Dragons.



About the Author:

Milla Vane suckled at the plump teat of 80s fantasy movies and was never properly weaned. Under a pen name, she is also an award-winning and New York Times bestselling author of steampunk and paranormal romance. Milla currently resides in Oregon.


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