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LOVERBOY by Sarina Bowen

Series: The Company, #2

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: 1st December 2020



Secrets, desires, and exquisite pie. It’s all in a day’s work at The Company.

Growing up, I was the rough guy from the wrong neighborhood who couldn’t catch a break. Posy was the pampered girl I tried to impress. But I managed to steal only a single kiss before I had to skip town.

Now I’m back, and the tables are turned. Posy runs a struggling pie shop. I’m the VP of a secretive billion dollar security company.

Not that I can tell her.

There’s a murderer on the loose in New York, and he seems to spend a lot of time at Posy’s shop. I can’t let on that I’m here to bring him down before he can harm a hair on her pretty head.

Going undercover as Posy’s new barista wasn’t my idea. I don’t even drink coffee. But now I have to call her “boss,” and do everything the curvy perfectionist asks of me. I’d forgotten how much we infuriate each other, and that she somehow fills me with both irritation and desire in the same breath.

There’s nobody more skilled at stealth ops than me. I can bring this killer down. Right after I take a cold shower. And just as soon as I figure out how to make a skinny peppermint latte with milk poured in the shape of a kitten…


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Ask for a hero who is both a lover and a fighter, and I present to you ladies and gentleman, Gunnar Scott.

Although he has a face that both charms and disarms, his true talent is that of cybersecurity extraordinaire. The latest mission he has no choice but to accept is based is in his old stomping ground of New York. He has a hate-hate relationship with the city, but when he learns his one time crush and nemesis’ cafe is unknowingly the hub of criminal activity, his only course of action is donning an apron and going undercover. Posy is every bit the go getter he remembers her being and with his endearment flooding back, it easily becomes apparent this won’t be the in and out job he hoped for.

Running her own business is a humongous achievement and sense of pride for Posy, but of late everything and anything seems to be going wrong. She’s in desperate need of a barista, and as if the universe were playing her trick on her, her prayers are answered by her one time one time crush and nemesis, Gunnar.

For all intents and purposes their relationship should be a strictly professional one, but such is their chemistry that percolates it’s impossible to put their feelings for one another on the back burner. She puts up a valiant effort to resist his charm but he’s so incredibly caring and supportive, he quickly becomes the person she can most relay on.

Loverboy is a robust read packed full of crime cappers, with a healthy shot of feel-good endorphins. If you’re in the mood for a serving of 007 meets coffee heaven, pull up and pew and see what this Loverboy can do.





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About Sarina Bowen:


Sarina Bowen is the RITA® Award winning author of over two dozen contemporary and LGTB romance novels. She most recently hit the USA Today bestseller’s list in February, with Brooklynaire. Formerly a derivatives trader on Wall Street, Sarina holds a BA in economics from Yale University.

Sarina Bowen is a New Englander whose Vermont ancestors cut timber and farmed the north country since the 1760s. Sarina is grateful for the invention of indoor plumbing and wi-fi during the intervening 250 years. On a few wooded acres, she lives with her husband, two boys, and an ungodly amount of ski and hockey gear.

Sarina’s books are published in a dozen languages on four continents. In 2016, The Romance Writers of America honored HIM by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy with a RITA award for Best Contemporary Romance, Mid-Length.


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