Genres: Contemporary Romance, General Fiction

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MY OXFORD YEAR by Julia Whelan

Release Date: 24th April 2018

Genre: Contemporary Romance | General Fiction


Major Motion Picture Already in Development with Temple Hill Entertainment.

Set amidst the breathtaking beauty of Oxford, this sparkling debut novel tells the unforgettable story about a determined young woman eager to make her mark in the world and the handsome man who introduces her to an incredible love that will irrevocably alter her future—perfect for fans of JoJo Moyes and Nicholas Sparks.

American Ella Durran has had the same plan for her life since she was thirteen: Study at Oxford. At 24, she’s finally made it to England on a Rhodes Scholarship when she’s offered an unbelievable position in a rising political star’s presidential campaign. With the promise that she’ll work remotely and return to DC at the end of her Oxford year, she’s free to enjoy her Once in a Lifetime Experience. That is, until a smart-mouthed local who is too quick with his tongue and his car ruins her shirt and her first day.

When Ella discovers that her English literature course will be taught by none other than that same local, Jamie Davenport, she thinks for the first time that Oxford might not be all she’s envisioned. But a late-night drink reveals a connection she wasn’t anticipating finding and what begins as a casual fling soon develops into something much more when Ella learns Jamie has a life-changing secret.

Immediately, Ella is faced with a seemingly impossible decision: turn her back on the man she’s falling in love with to follow her political dreams or be there for him during a trial neither are truly prepared for. As the end of her year in Oxford rapidly approaches, Ella must decide if the dreams she’s always wanted are the same ones she’s now yearning for.


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For American, Ella Durran, attending Oxford University on the prestige Rhodes Scholarship is the culmination of years of hard work and determination. The idea was born during a tumultuous period in her adolescence so she fully intends to embrace this incredible experience and opportunity of a lifetime

Her visions of her first experiences in Oxford do not include a near miss with a local and his car, but alas that’s exactly what happens. Off to a false start, she hits refresh with the heady anticipation of her first day of lectures. She soon finds herself choking in the shock when standing in for her lecturer for the next year is none other than the local from the night before. He’s just as handsome and smug as she remembers, and with a reputation to match as she finds out from her newfound friends.

As an astute student the criticisms she receives from her piece of writing are hard to swallow, but more so is the way he challenges her thinking and permission she doesn’t give herself to feel. It’s an exchange that affects them both, bringing with it insight that scratches the surface of the many lessons they will teach each other.

What begins as a deceptively heart-warming tale and exploration of a new city becomes heartfelt story with depth and unfettered emotion.

My Year in Oxford is the wonderful debut from Julia Whelan.The love story stole the show but it has a wonderful supporting cast in the backdrop of Oxford along with the hilarious and lovable cast.



One Paperback copy of MY OXFORD YEAR is up for grabs for a US/Can follower! Head over to enter:



While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

In England – now!

Home-Thoughts, from Abroad – Robert Browning, 1845



The customs agent beckons the person in front of me and I approach the big red line, absently toeing the curling tape, resting my hand on the gleaming pipe railing. No adjustable ropes at Heathrow, apparently; these lines must always be long if they require permanent demarcation.

My phone rings. I glance down. I don’t know the number.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Is this Eleanor Durran?”


“This is Gavin Brookdale.”

My first thought is that this is a prank call. Gavin Brookdale just stepped down as White House Chief of Staff. He’s run every major political campaign of the last 20 years. He’s a legend. He’s my idol. He’s calling me?


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